12 Years Saudi Arabian Girl Married With 80 Years Old Man
This is really a very shocking news for all Muslims that a Saudi father, whose name has not been released, sold his 12-year-old daughter to his 80-year old cousin for the equivalent of $22,600. The elderly man, who lives in the city of Buraidah, stands accused of raping the girl after the wedding. He has previously married three other young girls.
“She was raped and they took her to the hospital after the wedding night,” Wajiha Al-Huwaidar, a Saudi journalist who has been banned from reporting by the government told The Media Line. “Usually when the girl is very young, the authorities tell the husband not to touch her until after puberty. When he was interviewed, the guy just said she was old enough and he didn’t know she would get hurt.” The girl, already in the custody of the elderly man, was reported to have shouted “I don’t want him, save me!” when contacted by phone by a journalist from the Al Riyadh, a local newspaper in the Saudi capita
I'm Canadian, and more specifically a Calgarian who used to live in Abu Dhabi. So I am familiar with the society and it's relative values.
From the outside looking in, Muslim society seems rather barbaric to many, if not the majority of western civilization. What has been done to this child is an act of pure evil; for lack of a better term. The greatest "evil" per-se is the act of the child's father. Selling such a young flower that has yet to bloom, to an elder man of such years.
And when you think of the insults coming out of Middle-Eastern society. Noting the depravities of our social structure, as though they were insults. It seems there is a global level of hypocrisy at play here.
I wonder how far view-points like this spread across the globe,... with such an "equal-level of ignorance".