Reem Abeidoh Damascus Syria

Reem Abeidoh lives in Damascus, Syria. Dimashq, also commonly known as al-Sh?m) is the capital and largest city of Syria. It is one of the the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world.

It is where the first alphabet was conceived, where the first written musical note was discovered, and where wheat was first cultivated.

Syria�s rich and varied history has left lasting legacies, which are as diverse as they are remarkable. Syria will always surprise and delight. It is not necessary to travel all over the country to appreciate archaeology. There is enough in Damascus to keep you occupied for at least one holiday. After all, this is the world�s oldest inhabited city and is in itself a living museum.

The main appeal of Syria is its archaeological sites. Home to 39 civilizations over 16,000 years, Syria is a lost treasure awaiting rediscovery.

A short car journey outside Damascus is the ancient village of Maaloula, a mere 50 kilometers from the capital, which is one of only three places left in the world where the inhabitants still speak Aramaic, the language of Jesus Christ.

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